One astonishing fact that many individuals are surprised to hear is that tooth decay is the most commonly diagnosed chronic condition within the United States. Studies that have lately been released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention show that over 90 percent of all Americans are estimated to currently have some form of tooth decay. While this health condition is very common, it is not something that should ever go untreated. All patients that have this condition or have not recently visited their own local dentist should understand how tooth decay starts to take place and the different kinds of dental fillings that can be used to restore a smile.

Teeth are unique parts of the human body as they have the ability to re-mineralize themselves throughout the year. This process is essential due to the excessive amount of wear and tear that takes place on teeth. The key to keeping teeth healthy and strong is to preserve a balanced diet as well as carry out daily dental hygiene habits such as brushing and flossing. All patients should schedule regular dental exams that include professional teeth cleaning at least once every six months to remove any excess plaque and tartar that may be within the mouth.

When these substances are not removed as regularly as possible, the plaque and tartar will interact with future foods and drinks that are ingested to produce acids and bacteria that will attack the enamel of the teeth. Ultimately this will Lead to tooth decay and dental caries. These cavities will normally develop on the back surface of the teeth and other areas of the mouth that are difficult to brush and floss.

Dental fillings are the most common treatment option for patients that are currently struggling with dental caries. The dentist will begin by removing the decayed material and then allowing the tooth to dry. Immediately after this, the dentist will need to fill the area that has been left by the cavity with either metal amalgam dental fillings or tooth-colored composite dental fillings.

Metal amalgam fillings are made with a number of metals including silver, mercury, and tin to name a few. They are very affordable and will also harden very quickly. Some people would like to avoid the appearance of metal amalgam dental fillings as well as any possibility of discomfort when they come into contact with metal objects.

Tooth-colored dental fillings are made of an extremely durable composite resin that can be perfectly stained to match the natural color of the tooth. They are usually slightly more costly than their metal amalgam equivalents however they will improve the appearance of the smile as well as restore the integrity of the tooth. These kinds of fillings will also not produce a sharp feeling when they come into contact with metal eating utensils.

Dr. Mondavi, Torrance dentist provides different types of dental fillings, including tooth-colored,white, dental fillings.