There is one very common oral health condition that numerous individuals are forced to deal with every single year, and that is the loss of one or more of their permanent teeth. For those that are currently struggling with this condition, it is essential to remain aware of some of the common causes of tooth loss, the importance of a quick and effective treatment, and the various types of dental implants and appliances that may restore the function and appearance of their smile.

The teeth are a very unique part of the body as they will continue to strengthen themselves over the years. This is carried out because the inner pulp of the teeth will re-mineralize the outer layers after they are subject to daily wear and tear. If there is any serious damage to the gums surrounding the teeth or the pulp itself, the tooth may begin to weaken and eventually fall out. This is normally the result of untreated periodontal disease and tooth decay. Others may experience the loss of permanent teeth after trauma to the face has taken place.

There are many individuals that do not have their tooth loss professionally treated as they believe it to be nothing more than a cosmetic flaw. This can become a painful and costly mistake though as the loss of permanent teeth will increase a patient's chance of a number of other ailments and issues. This can include an uneven bite pattern, fractured teeth, problems with one's jaws, or even facial sagging. For patients that would like a permanent solution to their tooth loss, dental implants are usually the best option.

Removable dental appliances do have the ability to restore a patient's smile, however they can also be uncomfortable as well as require an overwhelming amount of time for cleaning and maintenance. Dental implants, on the other hand, will last for the patient's entire lifetime and do not require anything more than basic oral hygiene habits.

This process starts with the dentist placing the implants directly in the jaw in the area that has been exposed by the missing teeth. As the mouth heals, it will slowly form a tight bond with the implants, allowing the dentist a sturdy platform for attaching various appliances such as crowns, dentures, and dental bridges.

For individuals that are at a very high risk of implant rejection, an alternative to full-sized implants is mini dental implants. These surgical-grade rods are just a fraction of the size of their counterparts and will reduce the risk of implant rejection or permanent damage if the implants are rejected. With so many advanced and effective alternatives, anyone currently struggling with the loss of any permanent teeth should contact their local dentist right away for a complete smile restoration.

Visit, Beverly Hills dental practice for more information. Our Beverly Hills dental implants expert can talk to you about your options for replacing missing teeth using dental implants.