There are lots of ways to promote your company and build your brand online--Facebook is just one of them. It really doesn't matter which type of business you are running--as long as you want to find a new way to take on your marketing and exposure, Facebook is a fantastic option. But how do you actually use Facebook to grow your company?

Get Started Today: If you've been an active Internet user then there's no chance that you missed Facebook - we all know how the social network grew to its massive size that we see today. But still, tons of IMers have yet to embrace Facebook as a business building tool; why is that? It's really because most people enjoy watching other people take action. Do not procrastinate with this; the sooner you take advantage of the sweeping social revolution, the better! Become an important part of the Facebook social scene and boost your business up to a higher level. While it isn't easy, it's not super hard; if you begin taking action immediately, you'll see even better results in the short term.

Don't Forget to Post Updates: You want the people who "like" your fan to know what you're up to, so keep them updated. For this reason, it's important to update your status as often as possible, and be sure to write something informative, though it doesn't have to be long. Another factor to consider is your keywords, which you should always use in your status updates as this enables them to be indexed by the search engines. You don't necessarily need to think of anything brilliant to post; you could always just request your fans' opinions on some issue or another.

Add some Apps: Facebook is full of applications that are designed to help make your experience on the network a better one. You should look for apps that will help you reach your goals while also making your Facebook activities easier to carry out (and a lot more fun). For example, there are apps that will join your Twitter and Facebook accounts that will post your tweets to Facebook as soon as you hit "publish" on Twitter. The more intelligently you use these apps, the easier it will become for you to take part in the social network more effectively. It's 100% About Communication: Always try to remember that the key activity on Facebook is communication and how you communicate both with friends and fans is incredibly important. Keep alert whether you're offering up your opinions or trying to help someone with something. The more you interact with your chosen market inside this network, the better the response to you will be. This is how you create a long term and mutually worthwhile relationship with your prospects: by being there for them. In conclusion, the network of Facebook will continue to increase and be around for a long time to come. A strategy for your business that does not include Facebook is something that should not happen. Your "social media" attack plan is what you need to be working on now and not later.

Shanix Pineda is an expert blogger known for writing on a varitey of subjects. His high-quality work can be seen at My VideoTalk results and on MLM Success venture