Dallas, Texas — TripleXchange.com launched today. It is the world’s first site offering webmasters of adult sites a dedicated marketplace to buy and sell Web Domain Names for adult content sites on an auction and “buy it now” basis. Users of the site are able to list attributes of each domain that is for sale, including traffic, Alexa Ranking, and uniqueness. The founders built TripleExchange.com after being rebuffed from conducting auctions of adult domain names at mainstream domain marketing platforms.

“I developed this website because I got slapped by Google and turned away by several other sites,” said [founder. Kelly Cameron] “What people don’t seem to realize is that adult web content is a serious business that needs its own dedicated market environment for things like domain name auctions. That’s the need we’re filling here. We want to be the ‘Ebay of P.orn Sites.’”

Users of TripleXchange can establish accounts as buyers of domain names, sellers, or both. Once set up, the user is able to list domains for sale. Each listing can have a “Buy It Now” price, with instant purchase capability built into the site. The listing includes links to the live site, if there is one and data about the site, such as visitors per month, page views, revenue, monetization methods, affiliate relationships, advertising sales, and information about the seller.

Media Contact
Kelly Cameron
Email: [email protected]