Did you know that nearly half the female population can suffer from varicose veins, while the disease can be present in up to 40% of men in a country like US? The figures don’t just tell a regional story; many people on the globe have problems with varicosity, and while some minor cases can be treated quite well with natural medical techniques or with the use of compression garments, many people have to get cirurgia de varizes a laser to get rid of varicose veins.


The cause that triggers varicose veins is not fully understood by medical science, but it seems that genes have something to do with their development, as well as normal stress factors which, in years, lead to these ugly spider veins, as they are known popularly. Most people look for cirurgia de varizes a laser to eliminate the veins and regain the natural aspect of the skin and its beauty. However, in more severe cases, varicose poses more than aesthetic issues; it can actually harm our health. Most people develop varicose in their legs, but the condition can appear in other parts of the body as well, including the abdomen and the face. Each case has to be treated according to the severity of the condition, and for that there are multiple treatments available, the most efficient being cirurgia de varizes a laser or radiofrequência para varizes.


If you need to use radiofrequência para varizes, it’s clearly that you are dealing with painful varicose veins. These veins, which swell and start showing under the surface of the skin, don’t allow blood to circulate normally and thus are both painful and very unaesthetic. Their most likely place to appear is the legs, since they have to sustain the entire body. Improper diet, a couch-potato lifestyle, prolonged hours of staying on your feet, carrying heavy weights and pregnancy can be determining factors for the evolution of the condition. When the varicose veins have already developed too much for normal treatments to be used, doctors recommend laser surgery or radiofrequência para varizes.


In short, radiofrequência para varizes completely eliminates spider veins using radio waves. This is one of the most up-to-date technologies. Similar to cirurgia de varizes a laser, radiofrequência para varizes uses small incisions to penetrate through the veins, after which radio energy is used to heat the walls of the veins, thus cauterizing the veins. The other healthy veins will then take over the blood circuit and restore its normal flow within that part of the body. The advantage of these modern techniques is the fact that they’re not painful, they’re done very rapidly, they give excellent results and, most importantly, they give you the possibility of getting back to your normal activities as soon as the surgery is over. After the surgery, your doctor may tell you that you need to wear compression stockings for a while. You’ll be happy to know, however, that you’ve got rid of those ugly spider veins which made you feel unconfident about yourself and uncomfortable at times.


Some of the most effective treatments for varicose veins are radiofrequência para varizes and cirurgia de varizes a laser. Access the links to find out more.