United States — Sick of the daily grind? Want to impress your girlfriend, friends and relatives with your unusual job? Tell the world about the oddest way you’ve earned money.

For most middle-class folks, the American dream is turning into a nightmare. Real-dollar income has been declining since the 1980s, jobs are declining, and job participation is at its lowest levels — the complicated tax system, punitive hiring regulations, Obamacare, and growth stagnation are forcing enterprises to go “part time,” according to Bruce David, publisher of the Sideline Income newsletter.

Share your most unusual experience at making extra money and win prizes. A previous business, temp gig, moonlighting job-whatever you feel was an odd way of earning the green.

Airline repo man, demolition testing, deodorant tester, alien hunter, cliff diver, high wire act, or other strange job-Tell us about it and win gift cards for such items as Starbucks, iTunes, dining out, books, software, office treats from Naturebox and more. (Drawing held monthly).

You must be a subscriber (No Cost) to enter. Use the form here to subscribe and/or to submit your Oddest Job experience (keep it under 100 words).

EVERYONE is a Winner! Simply subscribe and enter. A link to our collection of 25 Profit Boosters is yours to download now-free, no-charge, gratis-And who knows, you might get a guest spot on Odd Job Nation, the new internet TV show.

The contest is free, and subscribers get free access to a library of e-books and special reports to stay on top.


Bruce David, an entrepreneur since age 11 and recipient of the President’s Award for Entrepreneurism, Entrepreneur of the Year Award from Venture magazine and the Network of Small Business, is the founder of PoorManSurvival.com

For more information, please visit: http://www.poormansurvival.com/

Contact Information:
Name: Bruce David
Company: Urban Survival Ctr.
Telephone: 810-724-2701
Website: http://www.PoorManSurvival.com