For someone into six sigma data analysis is their bread and butter. When a project is taken for improvement tons of data is collected and it is constantly analyzed so that one can work on improvements. Collecting the data is fine because you just need to send a few emails. What is difficult is analyzing the data. If someone has to sit on Excel to work on the data then God help them. People actually do this kind of work and you can understand that they are frustrated. The Minitab statistical software is an excellent software application that makes data analysis easy. When someone goes through Minitab certification they are able to use the application and derive decisions from it.


The Minitab statistical software was developed by Barbara F. Ryan, Brian L. Joiner and Thomas A. Ryan, Jr. at the Pennsylvania State Univerity in 1972. Before Minitab statistical analysis used to be done by OMNITAB that was in use since 1986. As of now the Minitab statistical software is the most used software application in the domain of six sigma. It also has use in other statistical analysis work.


Six sigma experts immense use of the Minitab statistical software because it allows them to do so much. Data is fed into the application and now people can start working on analyzing the data. Through Minitab data can be manipulated in different ways so that some trend starts showing. As trends start showing six sigma experts can then start working on data analysis. And this leads to the improve phase where brains start thinking of innovative solutions to improve processes.


It’s a known fact that six sigma certified professionals are not necessarily statisticians. Their job is to look at statistical data and derive interpretations from the data. The Minitab software application helps in analyzing the statistical data. Once the data is available further work can get started. The secret behind the success of a six sigma project is the use of right tools. And the Minitab software application is an essential tool for any six sigma professional.


So, to succeed as a six sigma professional one doesn’t necessarily need to learn statistics. What they need to learn is how to use Minitab. And this can only be achieved when someone goes through Minitab training and gets Minitab certification. Yes, one needs to be a professional of six sigma to undergo Minitab training and Minitab certification. But this application is so useful that for a six sigma professional it is foolhardy not to get trained on Minitab and using it.


Minitab training and Minitab certification can be had from different training companies. The programs are conducted by six sigma professionals and they tell you about the real life application of this software. They tell you what data to feed into the Minitab statistical software and how to look at the data in different ways. One thing is for certain — once you get the hang of Minitab you find that managing six sigma projects is relatively easier.


To be able to use the Minitab statistical software you need to go through Minitab certification and training.