Most individuals enjoy traveling to strange lands, seeing new sights and acquiring new perspectives. You can go to exotic places like Korea and teach English for a year! However, as strange new lands are almost always distant places, such desires come at a price. This price is a day or two of putting up with with the jet lag that comes from traveling from one time zone to another. If you have experience with long flights then you know what jet lag can do.It has the potential to make any individual useless for a significant amount of time.

Luckily, jet lag is a dilemma that can be dealt with comfortably. All you have to do is take some safety measures from the very beginnin. Despite what individuals think, these precautions are not medicines. On the other hand, they are basic lifestyle based safety measures that lessen the intensity of the jet lag. I did this while travelling back and forth to South Korea, where I taught English for 4 years! Here is a list of some tips designed to counter jet lag.

Get Enough Sleep Before You Leave For The Flight.

Jet lag is nothing but your body clock going haywire. It occurs because of unexpected time jumps. It can only be explained as a situation where your biological cycle does not match the cycle of the sun. Basically speaking, jet lag is lack of adequate sleep.

If you go on a long distance flight already suffering from lack of adequate sleep then you would find the jet lag unbearable. In contrast, if you get enough sleep before the flight then you will be fine. Thus, you should get adequate sleep prior to a long distance flight., especially to faraway locations like China or Korea.

Do Not Have A Lot Of Alcohol

Alcohol, by itself, has the potential to affect your bodily functions. When alcohol is combined with jet lag, the combined effect is unbearable. These two together can keep you in bed for an extremely long time. Therefore, the best thing for you to do before and on a long flight is to avoid excessive alcohol. As a matter of fact, alcohol should be avoided even after you have reached your destination.

Avoid Overeating And eat Foods That Are Easy To Digest.

Jet lag can also be countered with good eating habits.Foods that are hard to digest can influence the balance of your body as well.Two things become important in terms of eating before a flight.. The first is that you should eat easy to digest foods that do not put pressure on your digestive system.The second is to eat less amounts of food.The reason to avoid overeating is that it also puts pressure on your digestive system.

You can Counter Jet Lag With Exercise

Most people do not understand that exercise can be very effective in countering jet lag. The reason for this is merely that when you exercise you make your body tired. You are forced to sleep because of this fatigue, even if your biological clock does not need it.. When you sleep, your body's body clock becomes realigned to the time zone that you are in. Resultantly, when you exercise you make it more convenient for your body to get used to the new time zone. Thus, if you are suffering from jet lag after getting to your new destination, you should do everything in your power to make your body tired. You should also actively try to conform to the local timings.

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