Google’s page one has captured the fascination of millions of online entrepreneurs for years, with the strife for the first position reaching a stifling point. Almost all business owners aware of the giant search engine called Google know that the open secret to make a mark in the niche and global market is to get to the top. Aiming high, people adopt innumerable surefire and experimental SEO strategies with fluctuating results. Added to the already full-throttle condition is Google’s maniacal algorithm revision policy that brings fresh tides of challenges even before aspirants have fully executed the previously sketched plans.


To begin, every aspiring Bill Gates should know that there is no shortcut to the top position. You need to work your way up with a certain level of smart work combined with the obvious hard work. The first and impertinent step that will pave the way for all future entrepreneurial ambitions is to buy an authority domain. Even when you have a website, it is important that you have a personal (or rather official) domain that can work as an SEO support system to your original website. Please note that fast ranking all the way to page one is not just about publishing new posts, but also about the platforms you exploit to attain the same. The more authoritative a domain is, the better results you reap from your attempts.

The second step is to make a pretty lengthy post and submit it somewhere in Google. Your post can weigh to something around 3000 words. Google and several other A-listed search engines happen to love such text-rich posts, for the simple reason that their users love them. Such posts address the search terms better and cover multiple sub-topics under one header which makes them multi-dimensional. So, aside posting short, crisp content, long and heavy ones should also be in your agenda. Research shows that people not only invest their time to read such prolonged texts written on anything within their purview, but also take the trouble of sharing them with others. Those who discourage one long article for several concise ones would be surprised to learn that most of the Google page one posts are at least 1000 words long.


Another great way of improving your page rank is to get your videos uploaded on Youtube. That platform happens to be the nerve center for all video makers and watchers of the world. So, exposing your product, service or even opinion through a site where the world’s net population congregates is definitely a good idea. However, simple posting will be like dropping a needle in a haystack, just as your video will be just another addition to the already existing zillions of them. Optimize the videos with right tagging, crunchy descriptions and re-sharing in order to see desirable results.


Last, but not the least, the best way to find your site clamber up the page one is to obtain quality backlinks that are certainly not among the malfunctioning ones. However, stay away from spammy backlinks as they can corrupt your site in just no time. 

Striving that page one ranking for your website? Get your page optimized at Gamit SEO for best results for your investment.