There are lots of items which make delightful token gifts none the least of which are small gift boxes. These items are really easy to find at several small retailers on the internet. You can purchase small jewelry gift boxes and emboss them with your favorite quote or saying to make them precious and sentimental for a favorite family member, friend or dearly loved one.

Many artists and craftsmen purchase small gift boxes in large quantities to prepare for mass mailing of gifts or jewelry sales when preparing their custom made jewelry or other items. If you make handmade jewelry or other related products the idea boxes may be small white gift boxes. These go hand in hand with custom jewelry. Jewelry gift boxes are simple to find especially for rings, earrings, and other custom made items.

Creating Your Own Small Boxes

To personalize small gift boxes even more, you may create your own gift boxes from used cards and gift cards. This is a great way to add a personalized touch to gift boxes. You can even recycle old cards rather than wasting them. Gift boxes are wonderful not only for sending jewelry as well as other hand crafted goods, but even for storing small things, toys, paraphernalia around the house, and other items. You can use them to store supplies, art objects, and other items.

Below are great tips for making your own box out of a card:

Cut the card along the half fold. Ensure that the halves of the card are exactly the same size or you will have difficulty ensuring the box fits. You might find you need to do a little cutting. Use the decorative front of the card as the lid for the box.

Determine how tall you want the box to be. Typically a 1 inch by 1 inch is ideal though you may add inches depending upon the size of your cards. You can also use note card and decorate them by yourself depending on how imaginative you want to get.

Draw square on each corner of the top and bottom of the card. Ensure the measurements are all exactly the same. Mark the corners making them a square so you know where you are going to make cuts.

Score the cards along each of the four sides, using the square you drew on the edges.

Cut your card along the scored lines from one edge of the card to the next; make a perpendicular scored line from one corner to the next, but just do this from one side of the square you drew. Leave one side of the box uncut so you can make a table. Do this on each one of the four side of the card.

Fold all the sides of the card up then fold each of the tabs in.

Stick corresponding tabs to each other to create your small gift box.

You can even make paper boxes, cardboard boxes, or boxes from other paper or materials lying about the home.

Uses For Small Gift Boxes

You can buy small gift boxes, especially white gift boxes, for various causes. The most obvious reason is to place jewelry in them. Many people do not consider how practical small boxes are for baby products. Small boxes are ideally suited for small baby products. Think about stock piling some gift boxes for the next baby shower you will host. These boxes are ideal for holding small baby items.

Other items that work well for gift boxes include hosting small notes, including love notes, poetry, and other personalized gifts. You may also place small treats including truffles as well as other small baked goods into small gift boxes.

small gift boxes