There are very few cosmetic treatmentsthat have become as popular as teeth whitening. All individuals that would like to quickly and permanently brighten the appearance of their smile now have more alternatives than ever when it comes to removing severe amounts of staining and discoloration. For those that are considering this treatment option however, it is necessary to understand which individuals will make good candidates for teeth whitening as well as the safest options for individuals that would like to avoid permanent damage or sensitivity.

There are two basic types of discoloration that can take place on one's teeth, however only one of them is generally treatable by a professional whitening service. A small minority of individuals may begin to experience intrinsic discoloration because of the drugs that they are taking, damage to the interior of the tooth, or even their genetics. This type of discoloration will need more advanced and thorough treatment options such as dental crowns and porcelain dental veneers.

Much more common is the extrinsic staining that takes place on the outer enamel and dentin layers of the teeth. This type of staining may be the result of many habits, such as the use of tobacco products, or because of improper oral hygiene practices. Whatever the reason may be, whitening treatments may be able to remove a large amount of the staining that has taken place.

The vast majority of teeth whitening treatments will involve a solution that is either primarily comprised of carbamide, peroxide, or a mixture of these two substances. When the solution comes into contact with the teeth, they will begin to release oxygen molecules that will penetrate deep into the enamel and dentin layers to lift stains.

Even though some treatments can be both safe and effective, not all treatments are exactly the same. This is why most experts agree that patients should only seek out whitening services that are offered by experienced dentists. Some of the home whitening kits and those offered in malls or other places of business could harm one's teeth or gums, starting with the removal of their enamel.

Any solution that has not been completely tested and applied by a dentist could damage the outer layer of the teeth as well as the gums. In the worst case scenarios, this damage could be permanent and will need comprehensive treatments to repair.

This is why numerous patients are now turning to the more advanced, effective, and reliable systems that are offered by professional dental specialists. Some of these options will also include the use of a specialty light that will quickly activate the whitening gel. This reduces the amount of time that the treatment requires as well as the likelihood of damage or sensitivity.

Our Beverly Hills teeth whitening and cosmetic dental specialist offers many types of teeth whitening for individuals. You can visit, Beverly Hills dental practice for more information.