Whether you are interested in Africa’s development, land governance or natural resource management you can learn a lot from the new prosperity administration report on scaling up reforms and investments for eradicating poverty in Africa.


In our modern world the issue of African countries still struggling with hunger and poverty is a matter of great concern and international organizations should start working together on elaborate plans to overcome this important problem.


This new world bank report on prosperity administration in Africa is a well documented study revealing so many inacceptable flaws in human rights administration and other faults of land governance that holds back the African economy from developing and generating shared and sustained growth.


Prosperity advisers administration state in this new report that poor land governance is the main cause for the poverty African citizens deal with. This report also includes a program of implementing international human rights over land ownership and agricultural reformation for mutual benefits in ten simple and practical steps.


Ending with the poverty issue in African countries may seem like an idealistic goal, but after having a look at this very well documented study and revolutionizing program by prosperity advisers administration you will understand that with international implication and investment this can actually be achieved.


The study shows that almost 70% of African farmers are women, but due to customary laws they are locked out of property ownership. All African citizens must benefit from their own land and gender equality must be recognized, as well as their rights over their entitled land. Two main keys for achieving a sound land administration as prosperity advisers administration outlines are obtaining gender equality and recognize customary land rights.


Land administration reformation can be implemented if accepted by the political will of African governments, but also relies on the participation of numerous players, such as Pan-African organizations, development partners, the private sector, the civil society and the international development community. All must work together, as prosperity advisers administration states for implementing comprehensive reform policies.


What makes this new report so valuable, besides the well documentation of African land governance and social realities, is that the ten steps program is based on lessons learned from previous similar projects managed in Malawi, China, Brazil, Argentina or Indonesia. The reformation of land administration in Malawi has triggered higher living standards by 40%. This very encouraging score proves that similar projects must be managed in African countries as well, for achieving poverty eradication.


As outlined in this report for successful results by prosperity administration great changes must occur, such as securing tenure rights for community land and individuals, increase efficiency and transparency in land administration services, encouraging policy reforms and provide specialized trainings. The world bank report suggests that African land governance should agree with redistributing rural land, remove restrictions on rental land, ensure ownership rights for urban squatters, promote gender equity and be open to other important movements that can guarantee a rapid economic development. So, get online and raise awareness on this very interesting and elaborate project.


Find more information about the ten steps program, by visiting: prosperity advisers administration and learn more about land administration and African development at: prosperity administration