18 August, 2014: Hundreds of well-known gaming developers recently participated in Facebook’s 2014 Asia-Pacific LEVEL UP game summit. Here Facebook gave an in-depth introduction of their gaming platform, as well as introduced some of the most effective promotional and operational strategies. Proficient City’s well-established web-game, Wartune, was one of the top performers, and was repeatedly presented on the big screen as a prime example of success.


In the interactive sessions, as a representative of overseas publishers, Proficient City CEO Mr. Feng Lu was invited to participate in the Round-Table Conference. He and other guests including those responsible for League of Angels, Happy Fish, and Family Farm discussed how to bring China to the forefront of overseas gaming.


During the discussion Feng Lu acknowledged that China’s greatest challenge lies in the cultural differences between China and the overseas markets, and how the expectations of Chinese and overseas gamers differ. He proposed that the key to success is proper localization of games and extensive secondary research, but these are also the greatest problem which Chinese companies face. During this summit Feng Lu also shared some of Proficient City’s experiences with overseas distribution to the hundreds of attendees. He highlighted Wartune as a classic example of the potential of Chinese games. Wartune will celebrate its second anniversary this month.

wartune wiki

Feng Lu also shared Proficient City’s plan to release several web-games including Sword Saga, Legend Knight, and an unnamed 3D Flash action RPG DDTank Mobile. He also discussed the company’s plan to extend its mobile market with DDTank Mobile, and the long awaited X-Car which will first be released on iOS, and then later on Android. 

Wartune Official Website: http://www.wartune.com/