All musicians put a lot of emphasis on getting copyright music for all their symphonies. A commoner however, may think of a copyright song or music as a bundle of exclusive rights. However, having a copyright actually means that only the copyright owner may exercise certain exclusive rights in his musical or lyrical creation, or authorize others to exercise them. It is very easy to copyright music these days. Anyone can have a valid copyright as soon as his/her original song or sound recording is fixed, in a tangible medium of expression. In plain and simple words, this means that for obtaining a copyright over a song or music, the recording of the same has be written down, documented or recorded in a clear manner.

To have a valid copyright you just don‘t have to register your copyright with the Government‘s Copyright Office. However, getting it registered does give you additional protection, in case someone infringes your work. The Copyright Act provides for six exclusive rights to you. Having a clear understanding of the basic distinction between a song and a sound recording is extremely crucial for understanding your rights within the music industry. A melody or any accompanying lyrics make up the song or the ´musical work‘. ´Musical work‘ is the term used by the Copyright Act to refer to a song. A single song may require several kinds of sound recordings.

A songwriter is typically the initial copyright owner of the song. When they work with music publishers to generate song revenue, they frequently transfer the copyrights in their songs to another person or organization like . For the owner of a copyright song, the most important exclusive rights are the rights to make copies or records of the song. He also enjoys the special rights to distribute copies and records of the song, along with having a complete right to perform the song publicly. As the owner of copyright music, you also have the exclusive right to prepare a derivative work based on the music. A derivative work is a new work based or derived from one or more pre-existing music works. For more information, please do log on to:

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Titao Plaza is a well known music critic. He has written many informative articles on the need and ways to copyright songs. To read some similar articles by the author on  Copyright song.