Dr. Zubin Medora , a licensed medical professional in Singapore, supervises Medora Medical Center for medicine and surgery.

This local healthcare facility’s specialization is cosmetic surgery. Moreover the Medical Director and Primary Care Doctor, Dr. Zubin Medora , is a trusted cosmetic specialist for he has undergone through various situations throughout his years of experience in his field of specialization. He has as well an undergraduate medical education and postgraduate surgical training concentrating on cosmetic surgery.

Looking Into the Clinic

Medora Medical Center for medicine and surgery is registered and certified as a local medical institution under the Ministry of Health in Singapore. As what it has been certified, the center provides cosmetic surgical procedures as well as medical care services. Furthermore, it has a medical team of outstanding physicians from different disciplines who are licensed and registered by the Ministry of Health and by local medical associations. The physicians have the foollowing specializatons: cosmetic surgery, breast reduction, plastic and reconstructive surgery, facelift, EENT surgery, hair restoration, and others.

“Minor surgical operations are the common procedures performed as outpatient cases in Medora Medical Center. Individuals who desire to beautify themselves in order to have a youthful apppearance must not be hesitant of availing this procedure because this has been proven safe and effective. As what beauticians and psychologists have known, a person’s self-confidence and interpersonal skills improve if he or she has a vibrant physical appearance. At the same time it also improves one’s health status”, said Dr Zubin Medora .

Do you want to submit yourself for a particular cosmetic surgical procedure? Medora Medical Center for medicine and surgery is intensely recommended for you since the center will give you the finest cosmetic operations and the best results.

To know more about Medora Centre, visit www.cosmeticsurgeon.sg

Dr Zubin Medora
Medical Director and Primary Care Doctor
Medora Centre for Medicine and Surgery
Phone: 6836 6035
Business Mailing Address:
#03-08 Camden Medical Centre,
One Orchard Boulevard, Singapore 248649
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.cosmeticsurgeon.sg