China - In addition to the business site and national site, the online game platform and servers are also the mainly victims of the DDOS attack. The recent news from which is the official website of professional DDoS Protection supplier show with people the DDOS attacks for these mainstream online game site and service. Now, please read more about the news.

Since the start of last Friday, there has been a lot of players complain on Reddit about the stability of the server of European region. Many players suffered from the situation of high latency, failure connection with server, connection interruption connection or other problems. At the weekend of last week, Blizzard also given some notice which refers to information that Europe Online server had been damaged by wide range of DDoS attacks. Although the main goal is not Blizzard Diablo 3 game server, it already caused into great delaying and damage for the players. The following is the announcement from spokesman of the Blizzard community.

¡°Just at this weekend, the players for Diablo 3, World of Warcraft, StarCraft and Hearthstone Legendary have suffered from the situations of high latency and disconnection in the course of the game playing . It has been confirmed that the European online server had been suffered from a series of online DDoS attacks. While Blizzard's service system is not objective of this attack, but a large number of players in this have been affected greatly.¡± However, if the DDOS directly aim at the server of Bizzard, the result could not be imaged.

The engineer from ClearDDoS Technology said that large-scale DDOS attacks are frequent during the past few years. Sometimes, there is a number of gaming platforms have been affected by these large scale DDOS attacks. In the beginning of this year, a hacker organization called DERP launched DDoS attacks to three major gaming platforms which are Steam, Origin and Bizzard Battle Net and cause into a very serious impact. With the development of new online platform, newly sorts of DDOS attacks become more and more widely. On the other hand, with the development of DDOS attack method and hidden level, the protection for these DDOS attack become more difficult. In this case, the professional dedicated server SUPPLIER should be the mainly measurement for each client to deal with this terrible situation.

If people want to let their server and other crucial online platforms have more security environment under today¡¯s frequently DDOS attack, please get contact with ClearDDoS Technology.

About ClearDDoS Technology Co., Limited

ClearDDoS supply protected dedicated server, protected cloud server and DDoS protection solution to prevent your server away from DDoS attacks.

ClearDDoS Technology Co., Limited
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Phone: 1-604-639-7533