All the side effects of steroids use which any person (a woman, man or teenager) can face while taking them.
Side effects of steroids in women:
Secondary masculine effects, including low voice, active hair growth on face and body and increase of the clitoris.
Disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Breast reduction.
Baldness as men have.

Side effects of steroids in teenagers:
Acne, rough and dry skin.
Termination of the growth process.

Side effects of steroids in men:
Decrease of semen volume.
Reducing the size of the testes.
Irreversible alopecia.
Breats development of female type.
Difficulty or pain at passage of urine.
Increase of the prostate gland.

Common side effects of steroids:
Reducing of an amount of “good” cholesterol.
Premature heart attacks, heart attacks and strokes.
The weakness of tendon.
Disorders of the spleen.
Abnormal liver function and its damage.
Increased aggression and irritability: “rage without reasons”.
Hypertrophied organs growth.

Increasing traumatism because of increased aggressiveness and the weakness of the tendons.
Reduction of anaerobic indexes.