There are many problem areas on the body that do not respond to diet and exercises. Even after following diet regimes and conventional weight loss techniques, if one has not been able to budge the stubborn fat on abdomen and flanks; liposuction is the procedure of choice. Although liposuction is not a substitute for weight loss techniques, however liposuction sculpts the body parts that have unwanted deposits of fat. It is also known as lipoplasty or suction lipectomy.

The ideal candidates for lipo abdomen and flanks are those who have firm, elastic skin pockets of fat on abdomen and flanks. The candidates should be physically and mentally stable and should have realistic expectations from the surgery

Liposuction of abdomen and flanks is performed under local or general anesthesia. There are various techniques of performing liposculpture, such as — Tumescent liposuction, ultrasound assisted liposuction and Body jet liposuction. Each technique has advantages and disadvantages that can be discussed with the surgeon.

Following the surgery, the area having undergone liposuction becomes bruised and there occurs fluid drainage from incisions. A compression garment is worn as soon as 48 hours after the procedure. It is advised to wear compression garment for a period of 3 to 6 months after the procedure. Three to four days of recovery are required for one to return to work and initiate movements. After about a week, light physical exercises are acceptable.

The outcomes of liposuction are excellent. The surgery makes the body balanced and in shape. A noticeable difference in the shape of the body is visible after about three months when swelling has subsided and the final contours are visible. If one has realistic expectations, one would be pleased with the results of the surgery. With the surgery, one can expect to lose about 8-12 pounds from the area lipoed. One can maintain the newly acquired shape by regularly eating healthy food and regularly exercising.

With cosmetic surgery procedures getting viral across the world, liposuction abdomen and flanks are available at low costs in India. Many people from USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand are opting to undergo elective procedures in India. Due to low cost of cosmetic surgery, people are opting for multiple cosmetic surgery procedures in one go. For instance, apart from liposuction, one can undergo tummy tuck or breast augmentation procedures at once.

IndiCure is one of the most trusted names for providing quality and affordable cosmetic surgery in India. IndiCure associates with some of the best cosmetic surgeons who have years of experience in performing cosmetic surgery with great skills.

For more information about liposuction abdomen and flanks, visit - or One can write to IndiCure at [email protected] or call at +919818462127 or +919320036777.