Women’s health issues were Dr. Jenny McCann’s concern, that’s why she got into medicine. Her deeper desire to help women lose excessive weight that could dangerous for health was sparked by the oftentimes preventable obesity-related problems that plagued women. She said that the condition can lead to infertility. For those who are obese and get pregnant, an increased risk in cesarean deliveries, stillborns and multiple complications is very high. Obesity also contributes to polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Dr. McCann extended her practice at the Beauregard Memorial Hospital because the state has more than half of the adults obese or is overweight. Her practice includes obesity medicine. She says that for women who have medical problems that can be resolved by weight loss; the program will be offered and shown to them.

The weight loss program is for both women and men. Getting the weight and your height of those who join the program will be the first step according to Dr. McCann. That is the very basic way to know how obese or overweight people are.

The following step will require participants to undergo a body mass analysis. An FDA-approved device will be held by patients in front of their body for around thirty seconds. Body fat and muscle composition will be displayed on a chart of the device for a doctor to analyze. Dr. McCann says that while they’re holding the device, they get a graph that will show them the green part of the graph is good that are the muscle. The yellow and red parts in graph show the total body fat with red part being the fat that needs to be lost to be healthy.

The goal of losing fat and keeping muscle is in how the diet should be for patients. For those who diet and exercise but not slimming down enough and firming up the body, lipomassage can get rid of the fat. Dr. McCann says the procedure actually causes lipolysis that breaks down fat cells and released in the body it as energy.

The lipomassage works with two rollers that roll over the patient and has suction in the middle. A stretchy suit is worn by the patient so that the rollers can pick up tissue better and it feels like being massaged. According to Dr. McCann, it can be maneuvered in different ways to get rid of cellulite, if not; it will firm up the skink. Pictures then are taken and compared every five visits a patient does.

About Angelashealthtips.com/:

angelashealthtips.com/ is an online niche well-known for creating contents rich of information about cellulite. This site focuses on healthy living. Advices about the best things to remove cellulite in a very practical way instead of jumping for expensive surgery are proffered in the blogs.