Your number one priority when you work out or play sports has to be safety all of the time. A large mistake that many people make is avoiding safety concerns because they don't think they play sports enough. Those that work out less than others are actually more susceptible to hurting themselves.

If you play sports, then the concern is just as great and for obvious reasons. Your physical body, if stressed beyond normal levels, can actually lead to more injuries. It is sometimes called acute stress, which is the overuse of your body which heightens the potential for injury. Another important behavior seen in many people is failure to prepare adequately for their physical activities. If you stretch before working out, and warm-up before any type of exercise, you can help prevent potential injuries. Here are a few more excellent tips to keep you safe and on the field.

There are some sports and forms of exercise that require a person to be alone. When people run, jog or walk for exercise, they usually do so alone, though this isn't always the case. Actually, lots of different sports, workouts and forms of exercise are done individually rather than in groups. An injury that occurs in a place where no one else is present can pose a real problem. Much depends on the nature of the injury, and clearly some are worse than others. A serious injury can become even more dangerous or even life threatening when help is not available. The simple solution to this is to find someone else to work out or train with.

Athletes who start off the season after they haven't played for a few months always feel a little rusty at first. It can take some time to get yourself back into the kind of condition you want to be in. If, however, you stay in shape all year, you won't have to contend with this situation at the start of a new season. This doesn't mean you have to go to extremes, only that it's a good idea to stay fit even when your regular sport isn't in session. So obviously this is your call and entirely up to you, but the rewards are certainly worth it. You will reduce the chance of an early season injury, plus you will out-perform everybody else on the team.

Weight training is very popular on its own, and it's also done by participants in many other sports. Whether you're involved in football, baseball, basketball or martial arts, it's likely that you also work out with weights. The two main considerations with weight training are lifting appropriately for your sport and stretching. Different sports and activities require different types of movements, and you should base your training on what you want to achieve. So, as an example, you do not want to get huge and bulky if you are a basketball or baseball player. An essential part of your workout is stretching, as this counteracts the tendency of weight training to shorten your muscles. Stretching doesn't have to take long, but it can play an important role in preventing various injuries to your muscles and tendons.

Stuff like being conscious of the perils of dehydration and having the ability to keep it under control. By the time you feel thirst coming on; dehydration has already set in. During a work out or training you need to make sure you drink non-sugared fluids; water is the ultimate. If you should get a headache or feel a little bit light in the head, then that is a clear warning that you are over-heating.

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