If you have a laptop or a desktop computer, odds are you haven’t been paying much attention to your television set lately. And why would you? When you watch TV you need to check the schedule, find something you like. Often times, you’ll click on a channel just as a good movie or funny TV show is ending, so you’ll often find yourself clicking channels for 40 minutes and watching commercials in the process instead of watching a show or a movie. Why go through all that when you can watch free movies on the Web? That’s a good point. But, here are a few issues worth considering before you abandon your television in favor of websites where you can watch free movies online. Keep reading to see what these considerations are, and to see what you can do to keep them from becoming issues for you.


When you want to watch free movies online you need to choose your websites carefully, because they are not all as they seem. Picking a website to watch free movies without checking out the website carefully beforehand means that you’re opening yourself up to risks. For example, you probably didn’t know this but some websites where you can watch free movies are made especially to act like virus traps. These watch free movies online websites might let you watch the newest Hollywood films, but when you click the download link you’ll be getting more than just a movie. These websites distribute harmful software like Trojans and viruses, which can destroy your system or access the personal information stored in your system in order to steal it and cause problems for you. Be sure to check any watch free movies website carefully before starting even a single download, and if something looks iffy, move on to the next website—there are plenty of them out there.


Less dangerous than malware and spyware, but many times more frustrating, are pop-up ads which seem to take over some websites where you can watch free movies online. Seeing as how these websites let you watch free movies, without charging you, they’re not making any money that way. The website’s owners still need to make a profit though, so often times they will resort to pop-up ads from sponsors. This way, every time you click on a link, you’ll see another window open—sometimes in the foreground, sometimes in the background. While pop-ups are relatively harmless—depending on the source—they can get very aggravating, but you’re in luck because there’s a simple and free solution available. Any good Web browser will have optional add-ons. All you need to do to avoid those pesky pop-ups is download and install a web browser add-on specifically designed to counter them. The pop-up blocker can work in one of two ways: it can either stop the pop-ups from opening, or it can let them open before closing them up immediately, making it so you don’t have to take any action.



There are hundreds of different websites where you can watch free movies. However, there are some issues that you should consider before you delve head-first and start to watch free movies online so find out what they are beforehand, to avoid future headaches.