If you are interested in buying Gas Stoves or Electric Stoves from leading manufacturers and you want to find the best price, here at Stovebase you will find exactly what you are looking for. We are waiting for you seven day a week so that we can be at your disposal any time you will need our help. Do not hesitate to contact us and we will gladly help you and answer all your questions.


When it comes to Gas Stoves or Electric Stoves, we know everything. And one of the advantages of buying such a stove is that you can save money, now that the energy prices are increasing. Our headquarters is based in Ramsbotton, Lancashire and we are suppliers of stoves, fireplaces and all associated heating products. If you want the best customer service, our highly trained team is here any time to answer your enquiries by phone or email.


Interested in Gas Stoves? Then pay our showroom in Ramsbotton a visit. Or you can enter our website and browse through the many and diverse products we have there. You can read the description of each type of Electric Stove, for example, and decide which one would you like to buy. We offer fast delivery throughout the UK with the help of our warehousing team. From Monday to Sunday, you can find here at Stovebase only high quality products at incredible prices.


Our trained team can also give you advice whenever you need our help and this is why we have a FAQs section where you can find the answer to some of your questions. Thus, you can find out that although you can burn wood in a multi fuel stove, the economical way would be to use a dedicated wood burning stove. Based on their design, you can decide to buy a wood stove or a multi fuel stove as we explain to you the differences between them.


Our team consists also of Hetas qualified installers who are properly qualified to install stoves and can give you advice regarding the installation. In order to be easier for you, we have created a top 10 selling stoves so that you can read the review for each of the models and decide which one to buy. You must choose the stove you want in accordance with your needs. By purchasing one of these stoves, you will have an attractive focal point in the room but you will also have a greener source of heat.


There are many models on the website at which you can take a look. You can also benefit from the massive weekend sale where you can receive up to £500 off your purchase. Here at us, you can find fantastic prices on all flue liners and you can get free delivery for purchases over £300.



Would you like to buy high quality Gas Stoves or Electric Stoves at the best prices possible? Then here at Stovebase you have the opportunity to find what you are searching for!