It goes without saying that the quality of your life and your health and well-being all depend on how fit you are. The machine age has created a population of people who are inactive and lazy. You cannot afford to let yourself get lazy or too comfortable, because that approach will hurt you. But you should not think you have to train like an Olympic hopeful, either. A perfectly adequate, pared down fitness program that includes the essential elements doesn't demand a lot of your time. You're going to be very pleased when you see how your muscles respond to even the smallest amount of exercise. After you begin experiencing how great you feel when you exercise, you may want to increase the level of your workouts.

Not a week goes by without a report of someone in his or her golden years successfully performing an amazing physical accomplishment. To illustrate, a 100-year old man, Fauja Singh, recently finished a marathon in London and has been listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. Many senior citizens - in their 60s and 70s and even older - are more fit and healthy than men and women half their age. Therefore, don't use your age as an excuse - or mental block - to not start an exercise program and become healthy and fit. As you probably already know, your health care provider must give you the green light before you begin any fitness routine and you must adapt what you do to your physical condition and age when you start. And so, proceed slow and easy. There's no hurry. Most people who work out intensely know how to recognize what their body tells them. It is no myth that your body can give you continuous feedback relative to what you are doing. It's not hard to do. Just turn your focus inwards and listen to what your body is telling you. You will give yourself the advantage of knowing what to do based on the feedback you get from your body. Of course, you have to follow through on your intuition. Don't be a tough guy or gal and force yourself to continue if you feel a problem or are in pain. If you need to stop, do so, and avoid damage to your body. According to what your body is telling you, you should take steps to alleviate the problem or stop altogether.

The type of exercises you choose will play an important part in how much rest and repair you will need to recover from each exercise session. In any event, you need time between sessions to allow your body to repair and heal itself.

Besides giving your muscles time to recover after a workout, you also have to allow for a sufficient amount of sleep each night. Every night you need to get enough sleep to allow your body to revitalize itself from your day-to-day routine. If you are also exercising, you can see why it's even more important to get sufficient sleep. Insufficient sleep can also cause you to be more injury-prone. You will also feel much more charged up when you awaken if you have had the right amount of sleep. Your energy level will be high and you will feel revitalized. There are very few really good excuses for not adopting a fitness regimen that works for you. When you design your plan, you must find one that works well for you so you won't be tempted to quit out of boredom. Having some affinity for your particular form of workout is vital to sustaining interest. Figure out what you like to do, visit your doctor, and then get started. And when that is accomplished, get any gear or equipment you need and start out slowly and patiently. And remember, avoid injury in every way you can. Of course, this means don't plan a fitness program designed for a teen-ager.

Santos Crumrine is a well-known author, he has been writing different blogs on different topics like health,nutrition,supplements etc. Checkout his article on Ambit marketing and on exfuze marketing