Regardless of the season, there is always a widespread desire amongst people to look fashionable. However, getting that perfect outfit can often be quite difficult. It is often hard to judge how well each element of clothing complements the next - and if one of these elements looks unflattering, it can ruin the whole look.

In order to provide consumers with an altogether better idea of how clothes will look in an outfit, many retailers now feature outfit creation tools on their websites.

Boden is just one of those retailers. Its website features one of the best outfit creation tools on their website. We've created a short guide detailing the Boden Outfit Maker's best elements:

The Outfit Maker is probably the most comprehensive outfit creation tool of the lot.

Providing a female model - positioned at the side of the screen - users can get a clear representation of how their choices actually look when put together. When clicked, each of the elements of clothing - are added to the model, giving a good idea of what works and what doesn't.

The Boden Outfit Maker also tallies up the cost of the items added to the model, displaying how much the outfit would cost altogether - which is great for those looking to assemble a fantastic outfit on a budget.

Items can also be removed as you go along, so if you've chosen something that doesn't quite work in the outfit, it can always be removed and replaced with something else from the huge range offered by Boden.

The range of clothes available from the website is huge. You can choose from jeans, trousers, t-shirts, skirts, shirts, knitwear and dresses to create your dream outfit with the Boden Outfit Maker.

It also recognises that not all women will want or be able to - because of financial constraints - make a purchase there and then, but, at the same time, will still want to save their outfit creations for a later date. The Outfit Maker makes it possible for you to save any outfits - created entirely from the clothes available from Boden - to a wardrobe.

This wardrobe can subsequently be accessed on later visits - simply by logging into the Boden website.

Outfits created using the Outfit Maker can be shared on image sharing site, Pinterest. A great feature, this allows women to show off their latest purchases - as well as those they'd like make - to their friends on the site.

For those who want to buy an outfit, but aren't necessarily full of ideas, Boden has a number of fantastic preset outfit ideas to choose from; these clothes featured in these preset outfits can also be taken away - allowing for a personal touch to be added.

Although the Boden Outfit Maker doesn't cater for men, there is a range of 'Inspiring Outfits' listed on the website specifically featuring male clothing.

Whilst it doesn't present the opportunities to create a fully customised outfit, the 'Inspiring Outfits' section is incredibly handy for men looking to buy some new clothes.

Even with detailed product descriptions, it can be difficult to know what an item of clothing purchased online will look like when actually worn. Several online fashion retailers such as Boden offer 'outfit maker' tools that allow the user to see their chosen items worn by a model on screen.