As a website owner, how do you make advertising happen? Do you use Google Adwords to get some pennies and barely get by to pay for your hosting? Or do you spend hours promoting Amazon books, only to get a pittance on each sale?

The most successful websites are built on the direct advertiser relationships that they manage to build. And it does not happen overnight.

It's like a friendship that you need to invest in today to be able to get to somewhere tomorrow. helps website owners take the first step. Identifying their target advertisers. The company sells a comprehensive database of over 10,700 senior marketing leaders who collectively control more than a billion dollars in advertising revenues within the country across multiple mediums.

"This database serves as the starting step for any business looking at creating a steady revenue stream through advertising relationships", commented Manan Pandya - Business Manager of

With the level of innovation that is happening in new media today, it is imperative that media and advertisers get creative to smartly reach out to their target audience. It is estimated that India's online advertising market will grow to over 500 million dollars by 2012. "This amount will be spent on over 80,000 websites with the top 1000 commanding over 50% of the spend." added Manan.

Leading online bloggers such as Darren Rowse of the ProBlogger fame agree that it's extremely critical to build yourself with your direct advertisers rather than tap on Google Adwords and the like.

"What Google Adwords will give you is a small stream of money that will pay for your hosting, and maybe a few cups of coffee. If you ever, ever dream of selling your website or blog, it's your relationships with your direct advertisers that'll make the difference between a hundred thousand and a million" added Manan, stressing that websites need to focus as much on building advertiser relationships as they do to build reader relationships.

At the end of the day, if your advertisers ain't happy, then you landlord certainly won't!

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