As Google update its search engine to the Hummingbird algorithm the focus has suddenly shifted from keywords back to content. All those SEO companies that were drawing up strategies for keywords have now have to rethink their strategies and go back to the old school ways of creating great content for their client websites. If you have a website and an SEO partner understanding how great content can be created is vital. The tips below should help.


The best content is one that appreciates your business brand value. Any content created should uphold the magnetic value of your brand. This doesn’t mean creating content around sales pitches and focusing only on features. The focus should be more on benefits; the focus should be more on associated topics; the focus should be more on creating guides and tips and the focus should be more on how to get the best value from your brand.


Your website content should be real and connective in nature. It is said that the best way to get a point across is to use a story. When your SEO partner writes content for your website they should be able to use real life examples and how people benefited or learned from those stores. If you sell beds focus on how people can sleep better using your beds. Tell people about what your customers thought when they bought beds from you.


Today it’s extremely important to create extendable content. This could mean two things and you should focus on both of them. Your content should be made for multiple devices — PCs, smartphones and tablets. This means focus on word count and keyword density. Your content should not just be written words — use videos, infographics and PowerPoint slides where you put the point across using a minimum number of words.


Content should also be marketed properly. As Google update its search engine to the Hummingbird algorithm there is a focus on delving deep into websites and blogs to offer exact search results. This means your content should be in multiple places so that Google can find it.


And most importantly, look to inspire people with your content. Hold small events in your neighborhood or sponsor a soup kitchen for a week. There will be enough content to create from these events and they can be published as press releases. This will not only inspire real people but Google too.


As Google update its search engine to the Hummingbird algorithm it’s time for you to upgrade your website to the next level. You cannot today analyze keyword data from Google Analytics. In fact you will find it difficult to find out from where your traffic is coming from. Hence, the focus should be on intent — the intent to provide crisp, quality and relevant content.


With Gamit you can create the best content for your website. As Google update its search engine to the Hummingbird algorithm you will find that Gamit offers excellent value in terms of creating and marketing content for your website.


Find more information about the Google Hummingbird algorithm by visiting Gamit website!