FLORIDA - Women are an integral part of the society and, the real success of any community lies in their happiness and wellbeing. Women need strong relationships in their life to keep them going. They need someone to anchor on, to gain strength from and to extend the same love, devotion and affection to create and sustain a family. Unfortunately, many women suffer from bad breakups.

Breakups are not only painful but, have a long term impact on everything that a woman does. It is therefore, important to regain lost control over a relationship by getting her ex boyfriend back. Getting back lost love can help nourish confidence and also create a loving personality. It can in many ways, transform the life of a woman.

While it is challenging to get love back, the power of texting can put things into perspective. ‘The Pink Tab’ is a resource website set up to help women leverage the power of texting and witness personal milestones that are otherwise hard to secure. The website has been launched to empower women, lead them in the right direction and to offer tips and suggestions on sensitive topics like love.

About The Pink Tab:

The Pink Tab has been created for women to help them deal with some of the rather trying situations in life. The website brings to its growing base of patrons, a thoughtful read, “The 7 Deadly Text Mistakes Women Make”, a guide that can help women take wise relationship decisions.

The same platform also offers key insight into getting ex-boyfriend back and how to lead a happy, fulfilling life. To know more about the website and, to sign up for email updates, log onto www.thepinktab.com . You can also visit the Facebook page www.facebook.com/thepinktab for more information.

Media Contact
The Pink Tab
COO Andrew Schellenberg White Tab LLC
Address: 6266 1st Ave S Unit 12
St. Petersburg, Florida 33707
Email: [email protected]