A helpful tip when it comes to golf is to try to get to know the local golf pros at courses you like to attend. This may help you out by getting advice you might not have gotten elsewhere as well as maybe even discounts on gear like an electric golf trolleyor course fees.

When your ball is in a fairway bunker, a good rule of thumb is to figure out what club you would normally hit at the distance you are away from the hole and then take two clubs more. The sand deadens your shot, and by taking more club than you would normally hit, you will end up on the green.

Concentrate on your swing speed if you have to contend with a long putt. Aim for a target near the hole, rather than aiming directly at it. You will set up a short putt for yourself and not run the risk of hitting the ball too far or not far enough.

Watching videos of top golf players is a great way to improve your game without even really trying. Don't be too lazy, though. Figure out what methods the top golfers use to succeed, and mimic those in your own game. The human brain has a remarkable ability to learn just by observing, but you still won't improve without practicing.

When you are golfing and you find yourself stuck in a sand trap, make sure that you hit the ball with the same force that you would use to throw a handful of sand out onto the green from wherever you are positioned. This will ensure you will get out!

Pay attention to your golf grip. If the golf ball is veering to the right every time, your grip may be too tight. If it is veering to the left, your grip may be too loose. Practice tightening and loosing up your grip on the golf club until you find the one that makes the ball go where you intend.

If you want to lower your score with a little psychological trick, use golf balls in a color that matches the flag. Somehow, for some people at least, this physical color match can make it easier to get the ball closer to the hole!

Many players will test their foot alignment with a club across the toe line, however, the best judge is to place the club at the heels. Many golfers flare either their left or right toe depending on their favored hand. This flared toe line affects your shot alignment and is not accurate. The heels maintain alignment even if the toes are flared so use them as your guide to check your stance.

The game of golf is a strategy and takes focus to attain your goal. Think about your game on a shot by shot basis, instead of the grand scheme of your game. This will help you to better focus on your current game, instead of how you would like the final result to end up.

When done correctly, golf can be a pleasurable experience to play and to watch. When done incorrectly though, it's a hazard just to stand out on the course. You might be tattooed by a runaway white ball. If you use these tips, you can rest assured that you won't put a speed-knot on someone's forehead with a stray! Employ these tips and improve. Reward yourself with an electric golf caddy!

The article you just read was intended to properly inform you on tips you can use and steps you can take in when buying golf carts. You may still want to seek outside help to assist you on a Electric Golf Caddy http://www.carttek.com/electric-trolleys/grx-950 or on an Electric Golf Trolley http://www.carttek.com/electric-trolleys/gri-1000li, but do not neglect to use what you have just learned here as well.