Simple yeast infections are fairly simple to treat and a lot of people choose to buy over-the-counter medications to take care of their problem themselves. Most of the time the condition will respond very favorably with this approach and be eradicated in roughly seven days. This, of course, is only true with a simple yeast infection in an otherwise healthy person; however, more complicated yeast infections can occur in someone who has certain medical conditions that will necessitate a visit to a doctor to ensure the safest and correct treatment. Some examples include those with weak immune systems, pregnant women and the presence of significant diseases such as diabetes. You need to consult with your medical doctor also if you have been getting yeast infections regularly over the past several months.

Sometimes the yeast fungus adapts to specific medications and a new, resistant strain is developed. This, as well as the fact that there are numerous reasons a yeast infection develops, is generally accepted information. Suppositories and creams, purchased without a prescription, are often used with success by women who are experiencing a vaginal yeast infection. Fluconazole is an antifungal compound. One of its brand names is Diflucan. It is very efficacious and sometimes just one tablet is all that is needed to clear up a yeast infection. This, of course, is the exception rather than the rule and mainly occurs when the infection is a simple vaginal yeast infection. This is, of course, a prescription medicine that requires a visit to your doctor's office.

One of the types of yeast infections that happens often in children is called oral thrush. This will appear in the mouth. As a rule, oral thrush requires a liquid prescription drug, such as Nystatin, which is an antifungal. The method of use involves saturating the entire mouth cavity with the liquid and then swallowing it. As a rule, you won't be able to treat oral thrush effectively without seeing your doctor and being properly evaluated. Your doctor may want to try another approach. One precaution with oral thrush is to not try to remove the white patches from your tongue, lips, or inner cheeks. This can lead to bleeding. Trying to get rid of the white patches in this manner will also cause you a lot of pain.

In case you, or someone in your family, has had a previous yeast infection, besides treating it correctly, there are some important guidelines you should pay attention to so it doesn't come back. For instance, if your child has had oral thrush, then be sure to sterilize or wash anything that has come in contact with the child's mouth. Your nipples and breast area are susceptible to developing a yeast infection if you are breastfeeding a baby with oral thrush. Check this area carefully each day. The best thing to do, as always, is simply visit your doctor and get their expert opinion on what you should do.

In most cases, the yeast infection can be treated successfully. Another type of yeast infection, known as a system yeast infection, is one that is truly dangerous and spreads throughout your body via your bloodstream.

The mortality rate is very high for chronic/systemic Candidiasis and this is even more critical if the condition is not treated promptly. Sometimes we can get a yeast overgrowth in our intestinal area due to many reasons - stress, diet, birth control pills, and antibiotics - but don't confuse this with the chronic form. That is not the same as a full-blown systemic infection. So it's clear that, with all the different types of yeast infections, the one you most certainly want to prevent is a chronic, systemic yeast infection that invades your bloodstream and then your whole body.

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