If there is one dental problem that many, if not most people encounter in their lifetime, it is a tooth cavity. Cavities, also known as dental caries, occur when there is a substantial amount of plaque buildup surrounding your teeth, caused by bacteria, particularly the base of your teeth. A tooth cavity is an infection, which is bacterial in origin, causing the demineralization and destruction of the hard tissues such as enamel, dentin and cementum.

This is typically caused by the production of acid as a result of fermented bacteria, such as food debris that has accumulated on the tooth surface. If the amount of demineralization in a specific area of your mouth exceeds the amount of saliva in your mouth, these hard tissues progressively break down, causing caries dental , which opens holes in the top of your teeth. If this condition is left untreated, this bacteria can lead to pain, infection or even tooth loss. Today, caries remain one of the most common diseases throughout both the dental and the medical world.

To prevent initial demineralization around your teeth, it is always recommended to use certain kinds of toothpaste containing fluoride. Fluoride is very similar to calcium, which is vital to the strength and overall health of your teeth. The detection of dental caries can depend on several factors. However, the risk factors and stages of initial cavity development are similar. At first, it may appear as a small white area, which may eventually develop into a large, discolored cavity. However, other methods of detection, including using X-rays are used for less visible areas of teeth to judge the extent of destruction.

Lasers for detecting caries allow detection without radiation, which can be helpful for patients sensitive to radiation. Treating cavities in a timely fashion is absolutely crucial to tooth health and restoration.

SANTS Propdental Clinic (carrer area sants)
151 Carrer de Sants low Carrer Sant measure 2 Barcelona
Tel: 933 336 386 Tel: 934 485 190
L5 Plaça de Sants Metro Station Near Sants
URL: http://www.propdental.com/