USA - Calculations of percentages are usually taught in elementary school itself. The importance of calculating percentages can be realized while working in offices or running establishments. The modern digital world has introduced a number of alternatives for calculating percentage. Free Math Calculator has developed a Percentage Calculator application for individuals, students and business owners to compute percentage efficiently.

One of the users of the Free Percentage Calculator says, “It’s lazy to calculate percentage with a complex number. Now it’s becoming easier with Free Percentage Calculator, easy to use, quick result and of course it’s free.”

Free Percentage calculator is said to be designed stylistically and it is easy to use, which has attracted all types of users. The installation process will be completed really quickly, and afterwards the software will open for functioning with a few minutes itself. Users are only required to fill the provided boxes with relevant information to get the desired results. People can download this application from, and by following a few steps the computation of percentages can be done.

The website says, “The Percentage Calculator is a great tool for students and businessmen. This software is very savvy and helpful as you don’t have to worry again about how to calculate percentages.”

The website offers the Free Percentage Calculator with specifications like version 1 and file size 1.0 MB. This software tool is said to be compatible with Microsoft Windows 7/8, Windows 98, and Windows 2000/2003, Windows Me /XP, Windows Vista, Windows NT and Windows Server 2008. Other specifications, features and applications can be obtained from the website CNET hosts this file and has run it through a scanning process to ensure that the app is free from spyware and virus.

To get more information about the Free Percentage Calculator, visit

About Free Math Calculator

Free Math Calculator is a software development company offering a wide range of software tools for computing equations. This company provides user-friendly applications to suit the requirements of diverse customers.

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