Do you know where your tap water has been? Do you know whether you’re using recycled water or not? If you live in California, Virginia or New Mexico you might be a little surprised to hear that you do in fact have recycled sewage water running throughout your home, but you will definitely be a lot more surprised when you find out why that makes you lucky. If you live in one of the other US states, you need to keep reading in order to learn more about why you should invest in products like whole house carbon water filters and/ or a Sterilight UV System to filter and disinfect your home’s running water.


As the United States, and the entire world is starting to feel more of the effects of the impending water crisis, recycled water is becoming more and more important. Recycled waste water is used for a number of purposes, including but not limited to irrigation, toilet flushing, industry and landscaping—and even for drinking, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.


For recycled water to be considered viable for human consumption, it must usually pass through more than four different filtration and sterilization processes, which actually make it safer to drink than non-recycled water which get the standard treatment plant procedure. Water treatment plants do impose a minimum standard, and they also add certain chemicals to help get rid of contaminates, but the chemicals added can also end up being harmful to people.


Worried about how safe your running water is yet? If you’re serious about making sure that you have truly clean water to drink and bathe with, you should think about committing to whole house carbon water filters and/ or a Sterilight UV System to filter and disinfect your home’s running water. Whole house carbon water filters can get you benefits which you will notice right away, such as removing any strange or unnatural smell or taste that your water could have, removing the Chlorine from it, as well as neutralizing other chemicals and organic contaminates. Some whole house carbon water filters have the ability to also disinfect treated water, so they can give you a complete filtration solution.


If you think these all-out whole house carbon water filters are a little too expensive or too risky—putting all your eggs in one basket and all that—but you have another option. You could get a more simple whole house carbon water filter, and supplement it with a Sterilight UV System. The Sterilight UV System is a disinfectant system which can also be used on its own, without the whole house carbon filter. If you’re planning on using a Sterilight UV System, you need to know that the UV lamps need to have a certain wavelength to be able to do a proper job with the disinfection process. Over time, the lamps’ wavelength will change, so you’ll have to replace them periodically.


If you’re serious about making your home’s running water truly safe for human use and consumption, see how you can benefit from purchasing a whole house carbon water filters and/ or a Sterlight UV System for your family home.