They say that success in life is often based on the small things, rather than on the bigger ones and that more attention should be given to the things in front of us, that we encounter on a daily basis, instead of to abstract notions and concepts and have no immediate effect. How about paying more attention to the small objects that grace our homes and greet our guests, things like welcome mats, kitchen mats or entrance mats? There is no harm in wanting to offer our guests a very welcoming experience from the moment they enter into our homes, stepping on that welcome mat. How can these small details make a difference?


The image you project in your home will be long lasting in the hearts of your guests so it is very important to choose a welcome mat that inspires people to step into your home and enjoy their stay. People often fail to realize that placing an inappropriate mat can affect their image dramatically, image that they instinctually convey to neighbors and guests. Let’s see how welcome mats can influence one’s image.


First of all, I’ll assume that you mean to impress your guests by customizing your entrance mat, since that will be unique and create the desired effect, whatever that is. Printing one’s initials onto the welcome mat can convey the simple message that not only are you proud of your home, but are also a welcoming person and desire that all your guests enjoy their stay at your place. For a less personalized version, there are many mats that come in many designs, shapes and sizes and combine functionality with beauty so as to accentuate the front porch of your home. By choosing the one that best suits your needs and matches your surroundings, you will be conveying the message that you are the type of person that gives a lot of attention to the small things in life.


On the other hand, you can also go for a funnier entrance mat that will tell the guests that grace your house with your presence that you have a good sense of humor and anyone who visits you should be ready to have a good time by being in good spirits. Also, for first visits, a good entrance mat can serve the purpose of an ice breaker. Choose an floor mat with an animal print so as to have a good first topic for a conversation. Or, if you are a sports fan, a logo of your favorite team or favorite sport can welcome fellow fans into your home and get them into the atmosphere of a game. Or how about choosing a seasonal floor mat and be in tone with the seasons. You will not only welcome your guests this way, but also your favorite season.

How about more details on how to choose the best welcome mat for greeting your guests with? Welcome mats can make quite a difference when you have just moved into a place and you are ready to welcome your neighbors.