If you want to change the appearance of some items, the best option you can use for it is with a water transfer kit. It will offer you a wide range of designs, the task will be easy to see through and you will not pay a fortune in the end. But before you will spend your money, you have to take the time in order to learn more about the items it includes.


The water transfer film is the first thing you have to worry about since this is one of the main criteria you will use in order to choose the kit in the first place. The design you go for has to suit your needs and the purpose it was meant for, but you have to be sure the size of it will allow you to cover all the items you want to work with as well.


Apart from the water transfer film, the kit you will buy will include a lot of other items. The first one you will find is the substance that will help you clean the items of residues. With a small application on the surface of the product and by following the instructions it has to offer, you will be able to make the item ready to move on to the next step.


The water transfer kit also includes a can of primer so you can be sure you will get the job done right. This will be applied directly on to the item in order to hide all the other designs it had on. Thanks to the primer you will apply, the film will be able to adhere to the surface of the product and thus the result you will get will be a lot better.


The other substance you have to find is the activator for the water transfer film. Once the primer is on the item and it has dried off, you have to spread the film in a tank of water. This has to be about 30 to 34 degrees and then you will have to apply the activator. This enhances the features of the film, making it a lot better before it is applied.


Once the film has been applied, you have to wash the item and let it dry. Once you have got rid of the humidity, you will need to look in the water transfer kit for the clear coat. This is the layer that comes on top of the film and it is meant to make it shiny, it helps the colors stand out a lot better and it will also protect the film from any damage.


There may be quite a few other products you can find in a kit, but these are the ones you have to make sure are not missing. They do not come in large quantities since you do not need them as such, but if you want to learn more about what you will get for the money you pay, the site hgarts.com has the answers.

When you want to find the best water transfer kit that will suit your needs, you have to be sure it will contain all the products you need. Even if you will use the water transfer film as the main ingredient, all the others are just as important.