Among all the other sports, the game of golf is something that can be also considered a visceral one. Yes, golf involves the physical aspect quite significantly since you will have to swing the golf club, hit the ball, bring it to a favorable position then walk towards it for a number of yards. But apart from the physical demands of the game, every golfer needs to be able to prepare himself mentally as well, not only before making a swing but also in the mental attitude as well. And if you are gearing up for your first major tourney, you better be equipped in the mental aspect as well. So here are some tips that will prep your mind and give you the advantage towards reaching new heights in the golf course.

Play with what you have at the moment
Since you have been devoting a lot of time for practice as the day of your tournament approaches, there will be a possibility that there are still a few weaknesses in your game. So what you should do come game day is to play with what you have and do not fall into the trap of overdoing things. Just focus on your strengths as much as possible and in case you fail in some of your strokes, take them as part of the learning curve.

Bring an attitude of positivity
Ever heard of the saying that "what your mind conceives, your body will achieve?" In the golf course, everything begins in your mind. So bring a positive attitude and believe that you can make every putt presented to you. The more you believe in your swings and in yourself, the higher your putting average will be.

Fend off nervousness
It is normal for golfers and any athlete for that matter to get nervous especially during the crucial stages of the game. And if you are faced with that feeling, try to loosen up in the golf course. Understand that you can only act on what you can control, which is your swing. The other elements like the wind, spike marks and bad bounces are simply out of your hand. So do not get too affected and remain as calm as possible.

Practice strokes
Before hitting the ball for your putt, do some preview strokes in the greens until you get the ball rolling smoothly into the whole. After seeing what you would want to achieve for your actual shot, repeat the same process and watch the ball go in.

Experience should be your best teacher
And lastly, take the experience of your first major tournament as lessons from a teacher. Review the mistakes you have committed and identify the aspects of your game that needs further improvement. Break down the scoring in order to see where you fared badly or below expectations. Compile all of them and create a program that will improve on your weaknesses, and you'll be surprised that you'll be doing better the next time you play in another tourney.

Purple Gone writes for Individueller Golfurlaub vom Spezialisten