We know that it can be difficult to burn fat but not muscle. There are millions of people who know your pain and frustration. However, this goal does not have to be impossible to reach nor frustrating. Your dedication and commitment is all you need to see it through as well as correct information. Sticking to an exercise program is very difficult if you do not enjoy the program you are doing. You will find that you do not mind exercising if you are having fun when doing it. In fact, once you see positive results you will look forward to exercising.

You need to learn how to create a deficit in your calories by lowering them. You can do this with effectiveness, however do not lower your daily intake of protein and fat. Yes, you will be lowering your consumption of carbohydrates.

But it's really not needed to get rid of them totally and you shouldn't. Another reason to not get rid of carbs altogether is that getting all of your calories from just fats and proteins is rather difficult. You will be rather shocked at how much weight you can lose when you simply reduce your intake of carbs.

Our next suggestion involves how you approach the process of fat burning without adversely effecting your muscles. But it's essential to know and understand that during the very first twenty minutes, or around that, of exercise your body will utilize glycogen and not fat. So, keeping that in mind, you should start off by doing a bit of resistance work during those first 20 or so minutes. Firstly, warming up and stretching exercises should be done and then the resistance training.

After that, then you can do cardio training, and then you will be burning fat rather then glycogen. So try this for a good amount of time, then see how the results come along.

If you know about diets and food then you will understand that it's a good idea to not eat too many complex carbs. However if that's not the case then you should know that by consuming too many they will be turned into fat. It is fine to eat them on a regular basis, because you do need them, but avoid over-eating them in one meal. So when you are shooting for fat loss, then minimize the starchy foods and eat proteins along with some fat content. Just doing this alone will produce good results if you are also working out in a frequent basis.

You can find out about different tips and tricks when it comes to getting rid of fat but not muscle as there are many. There is certainly a lot of flexibility with the overall process due to the numerous methods that work.

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