In case you don’t know much about it, you should know that asbestos is a material that's inexpensive to manufacture and has the ability to insulate heat, protect from fire, being extremely strong. Due to these properties asbestos has been a very popular material within the construction industry in the past years. However, its ability to cause a serious health risk to us wasn't identified during this era. Exposure to asbestos is commonly linked to the cause of mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis and even pleural thickening. Nowadays everybody is aware that asbestos is a potentially harmful material that was used extensively in buildings and mechanical equipment in the past, but is now banned. But important now is to identify the presence of asbestos in buildings, in order to be able to control its negative effects. If the asbestos in your building is identified and documented and you know where to find it, then you can manage it without fear and with a minimum of risk.


If you are planning to renovate or to rebuild your house, it would be wise to first do an asbestos inspection. In case you did not know, asbestos inspection is extremely important before any kind of action that would imply altering the walls, as asbestos can be extremely dangerous and a threat to our health. If you need help with asbestos inspections and you want to find a reliable company that could help you with this matter, the best place to come is Airsafe! What is Airsafe? Airsafe is one of the most respected provider of asbestos and hazardous material testing, monitoring and asbestos inspections in New South Wales. The company prides itself with over 20 years of experience in this industry, with asbestos consultants who are recognised for maintaining the highest standards in technical expertise, friendly customer service and rigorous quality assurance and providing reliable asbestos inspections.


Airsafe is an experienced, NATA accredited company that specialises in asbestos inspections, unlike other companies that have only introduced the asbestos inspection service to earn extra money and don’t even have professional indemnity insurance covering asbestos. Why should you choose Airsafe and not a cheaper company? Well, you should know that a significant amount of Airsafe's time at the moment is spent repairing reports from such cheaper companies. Councils, WorkCover and the EPA take one look and say "not good enough". And if somehow work is allowed to go ahead, and builders or bystanders are exposed to asbestos because of a substandard report, you as the building owner will be liable for legal costs.


Whether you’re a contractor, building occupier or homeowner, the fully qualified, insured and accredited asbestos consultants from the company Airsafe are always available to offer expert advice, rapid response and cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs. Ensuring the health, safety and welfare of working environments is Airsafe’s mission, the company being dedicated to providing a safe workplace for all staff, visitors and contractors. If you are looking for a company that specialises in asbestos inspection, Airsafe is exactly what you are looking for! You are invited to visit the website and find out more about the company Airsafe!


If you want to find out more about what a professional asbestos inspection  means, find all about asbestos inspections  by visiting the website !